Postdoctoral Training in Hair Transplantation

Comprehensive training course covering both theoretical and practical aspects of the field
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Course: “Hair Transplantation, Modern Technologies and Advanced Methods”

A comprehensive course of theory and practice to start your own hair transplant practice. Recent advances in hair transplantation. Help for acquiring materials and technologies and advice for starting your business.

Who is this course for?

This is a course for those who want to master hair transplantation and independently conduct transplantation procedures with effective results

The full course for doctors lasts 4-5 working days (depending on the workload). After graduation, the doctors have all the necessary skills to work with patients on their own.


Professionally trained doctors around the world


Educational hours (theory and practice)


Modern methods of transplantation


Ready for independent work

Upcoming Course Dates

June 2024
July 2024
August 2024
September 2024

What does the course consist of?

Modern Methods in Hair Transplantation

FUE, FUT, Preview Long Hair
Scalp Hair Transplantation
Sideburn Restoration
Beard and Mustache Transplantation
Eyebrow Restoration
Body Hair Transplantation
Full Theory and Practice
Preparation of the Patient for the Procedure
Harvesting Grafts with FUE and FUT Methods
Choosing the Best Tools
Graft Preparation for Transplantation
Selection of Grafts for the Hair Line
Formation of a Natural Hair Line
Formation of the Recipient Cite
Graft Implantation
Head Hygiene for the First Weak Following the Procedure

The course includes training in all hair transplant techniques: FUT, FUE, Long Hair Transplant and BHT (Body Hair Transplantation).

The trainee learns all aspects of hair restoration while working directly with patients (full hands-on experience), which makes the course very effective. After completing the course, the doctor can immediately begin his/her own practice and conduct hair restoration procedures independently.

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Patient interaction

Diagnosis Methods
Determination of Hair Loss Type
Determination of the Number of Grafts for Transplantation
Determination of Optimal Hairline
Evaluation of Donor Area
Selection of the Adequate Hair Transplantation Method
Determination of Total Number of Donor Hair and its Quality
Hair Restoration Myths
Frequent Asked Patient Questions

As part of the course, doctors also learn the duties of a technician/assistant (preparation of grafts under stereomicroscopes and their implantation).

During training, doctors participate in the procedures taking the role of a head surgeon as well as a surgical assistant. In the first case, the trainee conducts the surgery under Dr. Tsilosani’s supervision. In the second case, the surgery is conducted by Dr. Tsilosani while the trainee assists him.

During the program, the trainees participate in 6-8 surgeries, during which they excise and implant grafts. Due to a large amount of practical training, at the end of the course, the trainee is 100% ready to work independently with the patient.

Who is conducts the training course?

Founder of this unique course

Doctor A. Tsilosani

World-renowned hair restoration expert, professor at the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine, a lecturer at the World FUE Institute, Member of Prestigious Scientific Communities (ISHRS, AAHRS).

Dr. Tsilosani has trained doctors from Europe, America, Asia, Australia, and now the opportunity to learn from a true expert is in Russia.

Всего 2-3 часа

комфортного пребывания в клинике, и вы наслаждаетесь новым образом!

Если вы недовольны густотой или формой бороды, бакенбардов или усов – современные технологии исправят ситуацию всего за несколько часов и навсегда. Доктор А. Цилосани применяет современные нетравматичные методы восстановления волос, поэтому после процедуры не остается рубцов, шрамов или других видимых следов. Вы будете наслаждаться своим новым образом сразу после сеанса!


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How does the hair course work

Postdoctoral training:

Course: “Hair Transplantation, Modern Technologies and Advanced Methods”
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